The austrian high mountain valley of Kleinwalsertal is located in the midst of majestic peaks at a altitude of 1.100 up to 1.250 m at the northern side of the alps in the state of Vorarlberg.
Closed in by mountains you'll reach
the valley with your car only by driving through Germany. As to get to the rest of Austria, you have to be good at foot, or must drive about 45 km.
The mountains of the Kleinwalsertal march upon the east and southeast to the Lechtaler alps, the mountain "Großer Widderstein" (2.536 m) borders in the south and west to the Arlberg and the Bregenzer Wald and in the north the Kleinwalsertal opens to the foothhills of the Alps to the Allgäu.
You only reach the Kleinwalsertal from the neighbor vilage Oberstdorf in the Allgäu.
It's the impressive and wonderful mountans, that attrackt uncountable guest here. The possibilities are unfailing. In summer it's the hikers, bikers, nordic-walkers and the walkers as well, who explore and discover the natur on 180 km ways. Led alongside on three differents altitudes, there's a challenge for every kind of mountain friend. Not only the youngsters are attracted by the exciting mountain adventures, but the experienced as well. Besides the free-of-charge guided tours the issue hikes are in vogue.
And for our little friends
theres childrens-programm with excitement and fun at the mountain, in the forrest and on the hayfield - the whole summer long.
Events take place until Octobre.
The winter promises complete snowpleasure. Your skipass is valid from the Kleinwalsertal until Oberstdorf on more then 124 km perfect preperated skipists.
Those who prefer cross-country skiing can enjoy 44 km of slopes and the pedestrians can explore the landscape on almost 50 km prepared paths.
You can marvel the unique Kleinwalsertaler array at the folklore nights and open-air concerts, which take place twice or triple a week.
Well... even on holidays the sun is not always shining.. In this case we recommend a visit in the Bergschau (exhibition about mountains and mountain sports) in the Walserhaus in Hirschegg, the local museum on Riezlern or the culture-way, which gives you an outline of the worth seeing object here and tells interesting storys.
Or go and try your luck in our casino in Riezlern.
Anyway... The best thing to do is to come yourself and have some recreative and fascinating holidays in the midst of the Kleinwalsertaler mountains.
The valley was colonized around 1270 by Walser (an ethnic group, who originates from the upper Wallis in switzerland). The dialect sustained pretty good until now and differs a lot to the neighbors from Vorarlberg and Allgäu.
Although the Walser settled along the river Breitach, the side valleys stayed compled untapped - native and
There are 4 mountains with cable cars for your convienience by now.
Nowadays there live around 5.000 people in the three villages, Mittelberg (enclosing Baad), Hirschegg and Riezlern, most of them working in tourism and looking forward to your visit.
Familie Leitner
Walserstr. 333
D-87569 oder A-6993 Mittelberg
Telefon: +43 676 44 69 586