After Checking in you get your own Allgu-Walser-Card and you know the true promise of many benefits from the first minute on:
Just show your Allgäu Walser Card.
Just leave your car where it is...
You can use the "Walser-Bus" in the whole valley for free.
If you want to go to Oberstdorf you can purchase discounted tickets.
Guided Hiking Tours
Peakadventures for free! Choose out of 8 professionell guided mountain-hikes, mountainbike tours and issue nature hikes provided by the Bergschule Kleinwalsertal.
Museums & Exhibitions
Free entry to the Walsermuseum in Riezlern, the Skimuseum and the Bergschau in tehe Walserhaus in Hirschegg
For many events in the Walserhaus there's a special "Get-Home-Bus" at night. Free of charge with your Allgäu-Walser Card
Disounts in summer and winter for many things like
Minigolf, the libary in the Walserhaus, horsriding, open air pool, folklore nights and the local, the busticket to Oberstdorfand back,...
and in the neighborhood...
in the nearby Allgäu you get with your Allgäu-Walser-Card :
for free: village-bus in Oberstdorf, childrens programm, curling, many concerts, Bergschau, Gemeinschafts...
discounted: Oberstdorf-Therme, entry to the sky-flying hill, entry to the ice-stadium, local museum,...
You get free or discounted entrys to more than 70 partners of the „Allgäu-Walser-Card-Partner“
like cablecars, museums, swimming-pools and natural monuments,...
You can get the detailled brochure at the guest-information.
Familie Leitner
Walserstr. 333
D-87569 oder A-6993 Mittelberg
Telefon: +43 676 44 69 586
Ludwig "Luggi" Leitner